When was the last time you . . . .
Slept on a trampoline?
Sent flowers to someone?
Made a Carmel apple?
Talked to a grandparent?
Played in the sand?
Listened to a cassette tape?
French kissed?
Made your own clothes?
Slammed a Slim Jim?
Test drove a car and had no intention of buying it?
Visited someone in the hospital?
Gave a homeless person some money?
Popped popcorn NOT in the microwave?
Sat in front of a fire?
Got out of your chair to change the TV channel?
Drew with crayons?
Made love outside your bedroom?
Ate a Hostess product?
Planted a tree?
Changed a tire for a stranger?
Cut off jeans to make shorts?
Listened to AM radio?
Went more then a day without checking your email?
Went to the library?
Wound a watch or clock?
Checked the air pressure in your car tires?
Bought a VHS tape?
Spoke to a high school friend?
Went on a bike ride?
Rescued an animal?
Got out of a traffic ticket?
Layed on the beach?
Asked someone about their dreams?
Camped in the rain?
Had a Pixie Stix?
Used film?
Watched a movie that is more then 40 years old?
Jumped off a large rock or cliff into water?
Dug for worms?
Over tipped at a restaurant?
Made a fire without matches?
Attended a concert?
Saw a sunrise?
Colored your hair?
Picked fruit off a tree?
Explored a cave?
Drove through the mountains with the windows down?
Made someones day?
Just wondering. . . . . . .
Expressionating with Good Mommy
12 years ago
Aren't you gonna answer? I just went four days without email. Gross.
about 3 years ago.
about a year ago.
2 days ago.
earlier this year.
3 weeks ago.
for my grandparents sake, never.
tryed to about 3 or 4 years ago.
dont even remember.
well i had the intention of getting someone else to buy it for me.
i hope thats enough
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